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Like any surgical procedure, vitrectomy carries certain risks. It’s essential to understand these risks and take adequate measures to mitigate as many as possible before undergoing the surgery.

Here are some potential complications:

  1. Infection: It’s crucial that the person follows the post-operative care instructions completely to minimise this risk.
  2. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding can affect vision and require additional treatment.
  3. Retinal Detachment: Although vitrectomy is often performed to treat retinal issues, there’s a slight risk of retinal detachment during or after the procedure.
  4. Cataracts: Vitrectomy can accelerate the development of cataracts (clouding of the eye’s natural lens). If the person already has cataracts, the surgeon may address them simultaneously.
  5. Increased Eye Pressure: Some patients experience elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) after vitrectomy. Monitoring and managing IOP are essential.
  6. Macular Edema: Swelling of the macula (central part of the retina) can occur post-surgery, affecting vision.
  7. Floaters and Visual Disturbances: Although vitrectomy aims to remove floaters, some patients may still experience visual disturbances.
  8. Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy (PVR): Scar tissue formation can lead to PVR, which may necessitate further surgeries.
  9. Endophthalmitis: Although this is rare, severe eye infection (endophthalmitis) can occur after vitrectomy.
  10. Anaesthesia Risks: Anesthesia carries its own set of risks, including allergic reactions or adverse effects.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Even with these risks, the positives abound. Remember that most vitrectomy procedures are successful, and complications are relatively rare. The person should discuss the risks with the surgeon, who will tailor the procedure to fit the specific needs.

Most important of all, the person must always follow post-operative instructions diligently to ensure a smooth recovery. Contact us for more personalised advice on the care of your eyes.