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A vitrectomy is a surgical procedure that can be used to treat several eye challenges. Surgeons insist that after-surgery care is as important as prep and actual surgery. So, it is important to know what happens after surgery.

After undergoing a vitrectomy, here’s what one can expect during recovery:

Immediate Post-Op Period

  • Vision Changes: Initially, the vision may be blurry or hazy due to the surgery. This is normal and should improve gradually.
  • Eye Patch or Shield: The eye will likely be covered with a patch or shield to protect it.
  • Rest and Relaxation: Rest is crucial. Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
  • Eye Drops and Medications: Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding eye drops and any prescribed medications.
  • Follow-Up Appointment: There will be a follow-up visit with the surgeon to assess the progress.

First Few Days

  • Eye Redness and Swelling: Mild redness and swelling are common. Apply cold compresses as advised.
  • Avoid Rubbing or Touching: Refrain from touching or rubbing the eye.
  • Limited Activities: Avoid bending over, lifting heavy objects, or straining.
  • Light Sensitivity: The eye may be sensitive to light. Wear sunglasses if needed.
  • Gas Bubble or Silicone Oil: Depending on the case, the surgeon may have used a gas bubble or silicone oil. Follow specific guidelines related to these.

Weeks After Surgery

  • Gradual Improvement: The vision will gradually improve. Be patient.
  • Positioning: If a gas bubble was used, one may need to maintain a specific head position to keep the bubble in the right place.
  • Driving and Work: Consult the doctor before resuming driving or returning to work.
  • Avoid Water and Dust: Protect the eye from water splashes and dust.
  • No Heavy Lifting: Continue avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities.

Long-Term Outlook

  • Healing Time: Full healing may take several weeks to months.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the progress.
  • Vision Improvement: Most patients experience improved vision over time.
  • Adaptations: The person may need to adapt to any changes in the vision.

While this is a comprehensive list, it is not exhaustive. The doctor will monitor individual progress and make changes as needed. Everyone’s recovery is unique. Follow the surgeon’s instructions diligently. Reach out to us if you have any concerns about your eye health.