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Like every other medication, eye drops should always be administered as directed and instructed by your eye doctor. Most eye drops should not be used daily or weekly for long periods. They are only to be used as a temporary treatment for eye problems. This is because an overdose of eyedrops can put your eyes at great risk in the following ways:

Increased  dry eyes, redness and irritation

Medicated eye drops should be used to reduce discomfort in red, irritated eyes, but an overdose can worsen the symptoms. Also, prolonged use of the drops can cause the blood vessels to enlarge thereby resulting in continuous redness and irritation.

Washing away natural tears

Some eye drops help to give artificial tears to lubricate the eyes if one’s natural tear production has run out or the tear film isn’t in good condition. However, prolonged use of these eye drops can flush out the natural tears being produced and also wash away the layer of the tear film which makes the tears “stick” on  the surface of the eyes. This makes the tears evaporate more quickly than normal thus resulting in dry eyes.

May Hide Serious Underlying Problems

When one uses eye drops for too long, the use might prevent symptoms of other problems from showing. There could be something more serious going on, such as inflammation, an eye infection or eye trauma. And if it’s undetected, It will result in more serious problems that could damage the eyes Therefore, any symptoms noticed should not be taken for granted but should always be examined by a qualified professional eye doctor for proper necessary treatment if the need arises.

Symptoms of overdose may include drowsiness, severe sweating, decreased body temperature, slow/shallow breathing.

Eye drops are helpful and different drops can be used for specific ailments. Do not administer eye drops that have not been prescribed by your eye doctor. Do not use eye drops because they ‘worked’ for a friend. Eye drops have specific uses and dosages. Follow them carefully and do not overdose.