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Vision is one of the most important human senses. Sadly, it can be affected negatively by various factors, such as aging, diseases, injuries, or genetic conditions. Medical science can correct or treat some of these factors with glasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. However, there are cases when the vision loss is irreversible and cannot be improved by any means. This is called low vision or visual impairment.

People with low vision may find it hard to do daily activities like reading, writing, cooking, driving, or recognizing faces, which can greatly affect their quality of life. Low vision can also affect the emotional and mental health of the person. They may experience frustration, depression, anxiety, or isolation. Therefore, seek help and support from professionals who can provide guidance and help in coping with low vision.

Thankfully, people with low vision have access to various types of low vision services and devices. These devices help them maximize their remaining vision and enhance their independence and well-being. Some examples are:

1. A low vision evaluation:

This is an assessment by an eye doctor or a low vision specialist. They determine the extent and causes of the vision loss and prescribe optical aids such as magnifiers or telescopes. They can also refer the person to other resources, such as rehabilitation or counselling.

2. Low vision rehabilitation:

This is a process that involves a team of professionals, such as occupational specialists, social workers, and psychologists. These professionals can help the person with low vision learn new skills and strategies to adapt to their environment and perform daily tasks.

3. Low vision devices:

These are tools to help the person with low vision to see better or access information. These tools can be optical (such as magnifying glasses or lenses), electronic (such as video magnifiers or screen readers), or non-optical (such as large-print books or tactile markers).

Low vision, while untreatable, is not a hopeless condition. With proper diagnosis, treatment, and support, people with low vision can still enjoy a fulfilling and productive life. If you have questions about low vision, contact us for more information.