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Pregnancy is an exciting condition for women who desire to have children. However, it comes with a lot of ups and downs, ranging from morning sickness to different types of infections. Some of these common infections in pregnant women can cause severe visual problems for their unborn babies. It is, therefore, necessary for pregnant women to take proper care of themselves to prevent the following:

Chlamydial infection

This is a sexually transmitted disease that causes eye inflammation, such as conjunctivitis, in new-born babies.


This is also an STI that can cause conjunctivitis in new-born and unborn babies


This is a transmittable infection that a mother can pass to her unborn child through the placenta, and this can cause blindness for the unborn baby.

Genital herpes

A baby can be infected with genital herpes during vaginal delivery (if the mother is already infected) When this happens, it results in a severe brain infection called herpes encephalitis. And since the brain is closely connected to eyesight, anything that affects the brain might affect the eyes.

Zika virus infection

Zika virus infection can lead to eye abnormalities in unborn babies. It can either be transmitted sexually or through mosquitoes.

German measles (rubella)

Rubella can cause foetal cataracts and other developmental problems.

Chickenpox (varicella)

It can damage the eyes of the foetus.


This is an infection that can be contracted mostly from birds and mammals. Most times, this infection doesn’t show symptoms, so an infected pregnant woman can transmit it unknowingly to her unborn baby. This can cause health problems, such as visual loss and brain damage in the unborn child.

Every pregnant woman should protect themselves from these infections. Seek medical attention immediately if you feel any symptoms that are associated with infections. This will enable prompt treatment and prevent the occurrence of visual birth defects in your unborn baby.