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All over the world, people carry different myths (untrue assumptions) about how the eyes work and how to take care of them. This has led to several cases of unexpected and irreversible damage to the eyes, which were actually avoidable. Here are some of these myths which we shall debunk.

Myth 1: If you use your eyes too much, you will ‘wear them out.’

Fact: There is no limit to how much you can use your eyes because they are constantly at work for the larger part of your daily life. Make use of your eyes as much as you desire. They will be just fine.

Myth 2: Wearing poorly fitting eyeglasses will damage your eyes.

Fact: It is completely agreeable that having your glasses fit properly on your face is essential for comfort. However, a poorly fitted pair of glasses does not damage your eyes. It only falls off (if it’s too loose) or creates blisters behind your ears and on your nose (if it’s too tight). And these do not affect your vision.

Myth 3: You do not need to have your eyes checked until you are in your 40s or 50s.

Fact: There are several treatable eye diseases without symptoms (such as glaucoma and dry eye syndrome). These conditions usually affect individuals who are much younger than 40 years.

Myth 4: Children will outgrow ‘crossed’ eyes naturally without treatment.

Fact: Crossed eyes simply mean that the eyes are misaligned and, if not treated properly, it will develop into a condition known as ‘amblyopia’ (reduced vision in one or both eyes). So, the earlier one can treat a child with crossed eyes, the lower the chances of his/her vision being permanently impaired.

Myth 5: A cataract must be ‘ripe’ before it can be removed.

Fact: With easy access to modern-day cataract surgery, there is no need for any delay before removal. As soon as a cataract interferes with your daily activities, talk to your ophthalmologist and have it removed.

What we learn from the facts about these myths is that if you have any symptoms, see your eye doctor. And do not wait for symptoms, as some eye challenges and diseases do not show symptoms. Have routine annual eye checks to keep your eyes healthy for a long time. Send us a message if you have any eye questions you need clarity on.